Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wanna Be Startin' Somethin

When I was young, I remember anxiously placing a borrowed copy of Thriller by Michael Jackson on my Fisher Price record player. I remember how awe inspiring the music was to my, still developing mind. I remember dancing in my bedroom. And, I remember when my Aunt Karen asked for the record back. What I don't remember is ever being able to part with it.

As a child, I had no idea where Michael Jackson came from, I didn't understand the controversy that followed him...what I did understand was that his music was magic. His music inspired me to dance (poorly) in my bedroom with an Indiana Jones style fedora and my dad's leather jacket. His music comforted me as I grew up and started to learn that life wasn't always easy. Whether I felt happy or sad, it was a constant force in my life.

As I grew older, times changed and Michael's music wasn't considered 'cool' anymore. I followed a different path led by a whiny, bald headed guitar player...but, deep down inside, I never lost that connection with Michael Jackson. His music still felt like home.

On June 25, 2009 Michael Jackson died and I felt like I lost a little bit of myself, but, I would soon discover that an incredible life lesson lay in the wake of his death.

With a level of grandiosity that could only occur in the world of Michael Jackson, I was soon on my way back 'home' to his music...and to discover a new perspective on life.

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